Santa to Open Millions of Workshops

There’s only one day a year when I’m crazy enough to purposefully set my alarm for 4:30AM…
For Christmas comes but once a year!

After only being married for two months, I know children will be part of my near future. There will be first words, first steps, first days of school, birthdays ... and, of course, the anxious wait for the morning of December 25th and the presents it brings!

Being from Nicaragua, though, I often wondered as a child how Santa manages to bring his gifts to households around the globe. He faces some serious logistical difficulties! And the world’s population is growing! By the time my children are up waiting for Santa and his gifts, his sleigh will just not suffice.

But what if…

What if Santa had his own little workshop in the home of every well-behaved young boy and girl?

Wouldn’t this be a big relief for him? ... for Rudolph? Donner? and Blitzen? Parents making toys as his elves!

Imagine if parents could 3D print any toy a boy or girl wished for right in their own homes. Barbie dolls ready to style within the hour. Hot Wheels Cars ready to roll within minutes. The Avengers ready to save the world in seconds.

You might be thinking it would cost thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars to make this come true. However, that’s not necessarily the case!

As 3D printing technology advances and new 3D printer suppliers enter the market, prices will fall, allowing this technology to be accessible and affordable to the general public.

The 3D printing technology will bring back the element of surprise that has been lost in many households. I for one remember sneaking into my parents’ closet and searching for my holiday gifts, only to rob myself of the Christmas morning surprise. 

3D printing has the power to revive the magic of Christmas!

No longer will Tickle-Me-Elmo (1996) and Furby (1998) be sold out on Christmas day. They will both be waiting for you— online, in your email account.

Do you think StarWars lightsabers will be in stock this at Toys R Us Christmas once Episode VII opens in theaters come December 19th? May the force be with you… (It’s already out of stock)

So how many Christmas seasons away are we from 3D Gift Printing?

Would you allow Santa to establish a workshop in your home?

Do you think Hasbro, Mattel, and Lego are up for this?

Come on Santa…

Just download…

Now print.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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