Cardboard & Content

The world of Virtual Reality (VR) became a lot more accessible about two weeks ago when The New York Times sent a Google Cardboard to 1 million subscribers.  I haven’t been homesick yet during my three months here in Madrid, but I definitely felt I missed out on a cultural event when my Instagram and Facebook feed was filled with people using the device…photo after photo was posted of a cardboard box over my friends’ eyes with their head tilted back and there jaws dropped open out of amazement.  I was definitely missing out…

Photo Courtesy:

The New York Times created a new app (NYT VR) and has taken Virtual Reality to the next level.  They are now using VR as a platform to tell their stories in a more interactive way— which has the potential to change the way stories are communicated.  Plus, by developing this app they have made a statement that the world of VR is emerging and it is a platform that we need to pay attention to.

The New York Times isn’t the only one noticing the power VR has in telling stories…brands like MINI are also creating content with VR to tell their stories in a way that isn’t just selling the car, but is engaging consumers in an actual story…that of course still includes a MINI.

MINI partnered with The New York Times campaign making their content viewable through the NYT VR app.  In an interview with Lee Nadler, MINI’s Marketing manager that I read on Brandchanel (click to read the full interview).  He stated: “This is a platform now that can reach many more people, not only on high-end head sets but with Google Cardboard.” Plus, he said “What we found is that VR in many ways allows you to engage with people on a much deeper level than many other media.”

The New York Times and MINI are changing the game in the way we experience content, and investing heavily in this medium (a challenge for VR is the content can be costly and takes more time to create). I can’t wait to see what else they produce and who else joins them in this space. 

In the mean time, I have added the Google Cardboard to my wish list of what I want my parents to bring me over the holidays...I can’t wait to experience this content first hand.

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1 comment:

  1. After writing this post I found out that The NY Times has created another VR video with content from Paris:
