How 3D printing can save lives?

Today I’d like to share with you what is in(novative) for me. But before to do so, let me ask you a question. Would you donate an organ to somebody? What a sensitive topic! We might all want to save lives and do some good but it’s really hard when it is about giving a part of ourselves. Maybe in a couple of years, we won’t have to ask ourselves this question. As you already know, the business of 3D printers is in a huge expansion. According to Kenneth Wong, an analyst from the City, the 3D printing market is going to triple by 2018. As you may not know, this business impacts, not only the world of inert objects, but also the field of living.

Last month, a 54 years old cancer patient received in a Spanish clinic a 3D-printed sternum and ribs. The sternum has been produced by the Lab 22 in Australia, a country where the government support printing center.

The patient had a rare a malignant tumor in his chest and his rib cage. Unfortunately, the sternum is a really complex part of the human body. Indeed, it has to let you breathe and at the same time it has to protect your internal organs, such as your lungs, and your heart…Moreover, the Lab 22 using a high precise 3D printer, which enables the printing of a tailor made sternum. This reduces the risk of complications after the operation.

 Fortunately, the operation went smoothly and the patient could go home a couple of weeks later.

This premiere raises the question of the generalization of 3D printing in the medical field. Last August, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved for the first time a 3D printed drug. This can have huge economic consequences and boost the industry of 3D printers.The market is going to boom during the next few years.

The next logical step would be the creation and the transplantation of organs. Some company are already talking about transferring 3D printed organs. However this raise a lot of issue, ethical and technic but could also solve the problem of the lake of organs which will be discussed in a follow up post.
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