''Ok Google'' Should I have another drink?

Last night I went out for a drink with a couple of friend and it was supposed to be a one drink evening... After the first drink, we didn’t feel tired enough to go home so we just ordered another one. Once again, it end up to be a trap!!! Today I had so many things to do but I could get anything done because of my two friends: headache and hangover. Thanks to Google, in the near future, this is not going to happen anymore.

Google just revealed an amazing and disruptive innovation. Say goodbye to the google glasses and other unaesthetic accessories. The internet leader just posted a patent last Tuesday for a new contact lens. The lens is worn like any ordinary contact lens and is able to communicate with electronic devices.

The lenses provide a lot of information about the human body like body temperature, the amount of sugar one has consumed, information about the environment, analysis of objects you are seeing but most importantly, it can measure blood alcohol levels!!! Here we are! The lenses can be connected to any devices and can tell you if you should go home or not. An app on your phone could also book a cab to go back home before your wife starts to worry about you. One can also imagine some more radical solution like your credit card blocked in any bar for the rest of the night…All this by knowing your blood alcohol level.  It is a bit like the software “cold turkey” and knows what you need before you do…

Smart contact lenses will definitely be a part of our future.

So what is your opinion, would you put your finger in your eyes before going to a bar to make sure you get home okay and can function the next day? Do you see any other business opportunity this can start? Do you think Google will be able to use the lenses to show you and advanced reality?

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