Dear Ikea lamp,

We need to talk...

We've been together for quite some time. What can I say? You've been everything to me: star of my late night assignments and dark and rainy Sunday afternoons; you're my unconditional insomnia companion. I have to be honest with you though...things have changed.

I’ve met somebody else through the Internet. 

I know this is hard to digest, but please, let me explain. This was love at first sight: she literally glows in the dark. She’s a beautiful combination of nature and genetic engineering. Some folks in the Bay Area designed her DNA with special software. They bring this design to some other guys who make exact DNA pieces using lasers. The DNA goes back into her system and she becomes bioluminescent: light is produced inside of her and she shines like a star. She is a glowing plant!

She is quite controversial because she’s a creature of synthetic biology. I know this makes her sound very unnatural, but actually there is nothing unnatural about her. She’s inspired by nature and made out of natural pieces. She’s here thanks to our sharing economy, as she was developed using crowdfunded money. The people developing her managed to collect almost half a million dollars to work on her. While it has taken longer than expected, they are getting closer and closer to the final plant. And guess what? I can hardly wait! 

Because she is a GMO (genetically modified organism), there’s some skepticism around her. People are scared she’ll become a danger to our health and our environment. At the moment there’s no proof to support these concerns, but governments and scientists need to figure out a way to understand and regulate all ethical and environment issues concerning her. Honestly, we all need her: she gives light at a much lower cost, she makes us independent of any other energy sources and let’s face it, she’s nature.

I’d rather have her than a plastic lamp. No offense...

Soon, her seeds will be shipped all over the world. Because she’s open source we will be able to share her with all of our friends. And like old wine, the older she’ll be, the better (and brighter) she will get. She gives so much and asks for so little.

 I think I’m going to have to let you go. 

Thanks for everything.

Yours truly,
Your former lover

Pics from PhotoPin
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