Facebook accidentally revealed teleportation stations by 2025

One of my favorite things in life is traveling. I love to discover new places, see new sites and experience different cultures and perspectives.

Unfortunately, the problem with traveling is the time one has to invest. You have to look for a ticket, prepare your luggage, arrive to the airport at least one hour before your flight departs, eat plane food and sit next to someone for hours who takes your armrest!! And above all that, if you are lucky (which I often am) your flight connection is canceled, so you have to sleep in the airport and somehow it is always when this happens, your luggage is lost (yes I know, Murphy's Law)

But don’t worry…Facebook is working on a solution.
Last year, Facebook bought Oculus as max already talk about in this post

Oculus Rift connects a bunch of sensors to your head and you carry in your hands fancy remote controls all giving you connection to interact with your virtual environment.

I personally don’t like the idea of having something on my head, especially if it comes along with a bunch of cables and if the display doesn’t have embedded speakers. 

So why do you think Facebook bought last year Oculus, the leader in virtual reality for $2 billion?

Last week, I was very excited to see what Facebook’s CTO Mike Schroepfer revealed ahead of the Dublin Web Summit: A teleportationstation.

The web is now excited and speculating about the possible implication of the teleportation.

For this to work, it has to be a full body experience like capsule. It has to be something where all your 5 senses are immersed, where you can see, hear, feel, smell and touch what is around you all using Virtual Reality.

And then what is the next step? What if I could go for example on a business trip and also interact with the world surrounding me, not only feeling my environment but literally teleport my body and being able to physically interact with the world around me.

If Facebook is able to make teleportation work, I would say the 2-billion-dollar purchase of Oculus will be worth it.

In a previous post, I spoke about the recent progress in 3D printing of sternums and more generally about organs. 

What if I could print a body in the other part of the world, enter in the teleportation station and teleport my conscience inside of this empty body, exactly like in the movie avatar? Wouldn’t it solve transport frustration and also reduce greenhouse gas emission.

If you are also enthusiast and excited about this topic, please share your opinion in the comments, I would love to hear what you think. 

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